Our Partners


Here are the sites of our ex-partners:

  • http://www.femme-medecine.ch : lead by Mara, ardent promoter of Orgonite , withour whom we would have perhaps not been manufactured and distributed it - or at least not as fast. Her sites and blog contains many very interesting informations, and provide a different vision of life as presented to us by polluters of all kinds. As for her distant energetic treatments, I received several times (both in manufacturing Orgonite or on a personal level), I can tell they are pretty "hair-raising". Mara also wrote the leaflet « l’Orgonite , ancienne et nouvelle technologie et ses multiples applications » (in French) and demonstrates also, on a video, how to make Sugar Orgonite.
  • http://www.warriormatrix.com : lead by Dennis Griffin, Lena and their friends, this forum (in English) covers all aspects of Orgonite : manufacturing, using, ongoing research… Dennis has produced videos about the making of TB, HHG and a Chembuster et he's our model. Dennis launched Operation «  HUMAN GIFTING PROJECT » in which he invested everything he owned. The goal is to spread Orgonite North America through pieces he, Lena and others lay around, with the coordintes of the « Human Gifting Project » site. "Orgonautes" picked up the idea in other countries. We hope one day to do the same thing in Europe. Dennis is a very generous human, as are real "Orgonautes".
  • http://www.iefs.fr : Institut Européen du Feng Shui
    Based in  Britain and led by Pierre Thirault and colleagues, the Institut has trained a large number of practitioners in different countries. Pierre is a Feng Shui master and, after widely experienced Orgone generators that he had ordered, today he advocates its use as part of Feng Shui. He has created different devices and generators for IEFS and we manufacture some.
  • http://www.psycho-energie.fr : A tool for the well-being and personal development, a catalyst for coming mutation, a key to the abundance, and openness to science-frontiers and management of the future by doing the Double.